For authors

Deadlines for the submission of articles

For the 1st issue by 31 December of the previous year
For the 2nd issue by 31 March
For the 3rd issue by 23 June
For the 4th issue by 30 September

Guidelines for authors

The magazine publishes original specialised articles and studies, reports and reviews, primarily from the area of the theological compendium. The author is fully responsible for the originality of the work and for its factual accuracy, linguistic and formal correctness.

  • Authors submit their original works for peer review. The work should not be one that has already been published or that has only been slightly reworked.

  • Authors are responsible for respecting ethical principles in their research work and in the publication of their results, particularly with regard to observing research and quotation ethics.

  • Only the authors are signed under the paper (together with authors who collaborated on the article).

  • Papers may also state the names of other people cooperating on research (who are not at the same time the authors of the article), the standard procedure being an Acknowledgement at the end of the article.

  • Authors generally state the sources of research funding.

  • Authors are responsible for the linguistic and formal correctness of the article. This may not be done during the editing/imprimatur stage.

How to submit manuscripts

Submit your papers and ideas to the editorial office. Unsolicited manuscripts will not be returned. Papers must be submitted by e-mail to: Papers sent to the e-mail addresses of members of the Editorial Board will not be taken into consideration.

Peer review

The peer-review process ensures the quality of specialised texts in Theological Review, in that original articles emanating from scientific research are accepted for peer-review procedure.

The executive Editorial Board decides whether to initiate peer-review procedure for each individual paper. If the paper submitted does not satisfy the required criteria, it may be rejected before the peer-review procedure stage.

Peer review procedure is anonymous on both sides. Each paper is reviewed by one or two independent reviewers. These are selected according to the subject-matter of the paper by the Editor-in-chief or the Deputy Editor and the executive Editorial Board. The proposal is then approved.

The paper is either recommended or not recommended by the reviewer for publication. Publication might be conditional on making modifications. It is also possible to propose the entire reworking of the paper. A new peer-review process is initiated when the paper is entirely reworked. If the reviewer’s opinion is negative, a second reviewer then assesses the paper. Only the final form of the paper is published.


Requirements on articles sent

  • Format: Microsoft Office Word (.doc or .docx). Documents from Google Docs are not accepted.

  • Font: Calibri

  • Size: 11.

  • Alignment: block, do not edit text (e.g. mandatory line break). What are known as fixed spaces must be used.

  • Line spacing: 1.5.

  • Notes: placed below the line, Calibri font, size 8, simple line spacing.

(Use the Insert and Footnote commands to add notes to the text so that the numbers of notes in the text and the footnote are automatically listed as superscript. Insert notes after punctuation.)

Attachments to the article

  • First name and surname of the author

  • Title of the article in Czech and English

  • Affiliation of the author (workplace) in Czech and English

  • Contact e-mail

  • Abstract in Czech and English of a maximum length of 1,200 characters including spaces (the content, methods and results of the submitted paper must be accurately characterised in the abstract)

  • Five keywords in Czech and English, each separated by a semicolon (;).

  • Source of research funding (placement in a note or after the article. Inappropriate placement: as a note in the title of the article).

The editorial staff asks the authors to have the grammatical correctness and stylistics of the abstract checked by a native speaker of English before submission! Insert graphs, tables, and/or images in the text only in exceptional cases and in high resolution.

The length and language of papers

The length of studies and articles, including notes, is set at a minimum of 8 standardised pages (14,400 characters) and a maximum of 30 standardised pages (54,000 characters). Reviews generally range from 3 to 5 pages, and we accept reports (annotations) of between 1 and 2 pages. For reviews and reports, please indicate the ISBN and, where appropriate, ISSN publication at the end of the bibliographic record.

Articles are accepted in Czech and Slovak. The author is responsible for the grammatical and stylistic correctness of the submitted paper.

Please use Hebrew and related languages only exceptionally in papers and notes, for terms at most (it is also useful to accompany such terms with a Czech translation in brackets). Please rewrite the names of historiographical and literary works and connected texts.

Writing numbers, time data, and names of people

  • In your text you should write the words of numbers from one to ten, whole tens (e.g. thirty), and hundreds (e.g. two hundred); state thousands and millions as follows: five thousand, thirty thousand, 25 thousand, 839 thousand, three million, 456 million, etc.

  • Write other whole numbers in numerals without full stops and commas; decimal numbers with a comma.

  • Do not add a space after the opening bracket and before the end bracket; similarly, do not add a space beside the hyphen when writing a span of years or pages. Examples: (historical period, paging), 1910-1915; pp. 4-6.

  • Do not abbreviate the words year and century; for example, 19th century, in the year 1915.

  • Decades may be written with a numeral; for example, the 1930s.

  • As far as months are concerned, write them in words in the main text: 15 March, not 15.3.

Try to use italics as little as possible in the text; these are primarily intended for the names of papers or periodicals. Write the names of important persons in the text in full when they first appear; i.e. full first name and surname. We recommended also stating biographical data in brackets.

The method of quoting in notes

Quotation in notes is governed by the ČSN ISO 690 standard.

Electronic sources – examples:

  • Cite them right – electronic information.

  • URL: <> [cit. 1999-12-10].

  • HEJTING, Ingo. Interconnectivity and the hybrid library. Ikaros [online].

  • 1999, volume 3, issue. 10 [citation 1999-12-31]. Available at <>.

Quoting archive material

The name and location of the archive, the name of the fund, and more detailed specification of the source must be stated. As for the first quotation from archive material, always state the full name of the archive and in brackets the official abbreviation of the archive for the case of repeated quotation. For foreign publications, indicate the place of publication stated in the imprint: Wien, Prag, London, not Vienna, Prague, London. If the place of publication is not indicated, use the abbreviation s. l. (sine loco), if the year is not stated s. a. (sine anno). The abbreviation for indicating a page or pages is p./pp. Volumes of magazines and omnibuses are stated in Arabic numerals, works of multi-volume publications and editions in Roman numerals. Use as few abbreviations as possible in the main text. For repeated references to publications, use the word Ibidem. The method of quotation and abbreviation should be uniform throughout the manuscript.

Thank you for respecting the editorial policy.